How do I install an Airalo eSIM manually on my Samsung Galaxy device?

Not all Samsung Galaxy devices are eSIM-compatible, so it's a good idea to check that your device supports eSIMs before getting started. Please follow the steps in this article to check if your Samsung Galaxy device supports eSIMs and is carrier-unlocked.

Once you have confirmed that your Samsung Galaxy device supports eSIMs and is connected to a stable internet connection, you can follow these steps to set up an eSIM.


  1. OPEN the Airalo app.
  2. TAP My eSIMs.
  3. TAP the eSIM you want to install.
  4. TAP View Instructions.
  5. TAP Manual.
  6. SWIPE DOWN and TAP Settings.
  7. TAP Connections.
  8. TAP SIM manager.
  9. TAP Add eSIM.
  10. TAP Scan QR code.
  11. TAP Enter activation code.
  12. From the Airalo app, COPY the Activation Code and paste it into the Activation Code field.
  13. TAP Done.
  14. TAP Add.
  15. WAIT a few minutes for your eSIM to activate.

After completing these steps, the installation page will close. Once your eSIM is installed, follow the instructions on the eSIM installation page to ensure proper connectivity.


  1. TAP Mobile data.
  2. SELECT your eSIM.
  3. CHECK if you need to enable Data Roaming by opening the Airalo app and viewing your eSIM instructions.
  4. GO back to Connections.
  5. TAP Mobile networks.
  6. TOGGLE Data Roaming ON or OFF.
  7. CHECK if you need to update your APN by opening the Airalo app and viewing your eSIM instructions.
    • If the message displayed in the APN field reads The APN is set automatically, no further action is required. 
    • If there is text in the APN field, you must update your APN manually.
  8. GO back to Connections.
  9. TAP Mobile networks.
  10. TAP Access Point Names.
  11. TAP Add.
  12. ENTER the new APN in the APN field.
  13. TAP OK.
  14. ENTER Airalo as the APN's label in the Name field.
  15. LEAVE the other fields blank
  16. TAP the three-dot menu in the upper right corner
  17. TAP Save.

Your eSIM should automatically connect to a supported mobile network. You can also watch and follow the Samsung Galaxy manual eSIM installation instructions in this video: 

If you need more assistance, please contact our support team, and we'll be happy to help.

Prefer a different installation method? You follow these other installation methods:

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